Vinos blancos - Mastroberardino
Venta en línea de vinos blancos italianos al mejor precio - Buy Online Mastroberardino wines
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Mastroberardino is one the most important wineries of Campania and certainly one with the most ancient origins. In the 16th century Berardino started working as a wine-grower in Irpinia, and he was so good that he got the nickname of 'Master', Mastro in Italian, and that is where the company and the family got the name from. For 19 generations, the Mastrobernandino's has been continuously working to improve and innovate themselves but without ever loosing sight of their traditions. They have always respected the ancient grape varieties that have always grown in the area, acting as a link between modernity and tradition. For this reason the Pompei Archaeological Office entrusted the expert Mastroberardino with the lands of the ancient town of Pompei, once devoted to wine-growing, in order to plant the old native varieties. Today Mastroberardino owns about 300 hectares of vines divided across the different estates in the most suitable areas of Campania resulting in production of around 2,300,00 bottles.
Mastroberardino is one the most important wineries of Campania and certainly one with the most ancient origins. In the 16th century Berardino started working as a wine-grower in Irpinia, and he was so good that he got the nickname of 'Master', Mastro in Italian, and that is where the company and the family got the name from. For 19 generations, the Mastrobernandino's has been continuously working to improve and innovate themselves but without ever loosing sight of their traditions. They have always respected the ancient grape varieties that have always grown in the area, acting as a link between modernity and tradition. For this reason the Pompei Archaeological Office entrusted the expert Mastroberardino with the lands of the ancient town of Pompei, once devoted to wine-growing, in order to plant the old native varieties. Today Mastroberardino owns about 300 hectares of vines divided across the different estates in the most suitable areas of Campania resulting in production of around 2,300,00 bottles.
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