Tenimenti Angelini
Tenimenti Angelini - FoodExplore
Tenimenti Angelini is a group that owns 5 wineries located in places of excellence for the wine Italian scene: in 1994 they purchased the estates in Tuscany, Val di Suga in Montalcino, Tenuta Trerose in Montepulciano and Tenuta San Leonino in Castellina in Chianti. The Angelini's family, native from Le Marche's region, was already owner of one estate of over 1000 hectares of land, 60 of which were planted with vines for the production of the Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi. The last purchasing of Tenimenti Angelini was in March 2010 with the Tenuta Puiatti in the outstanding area of Collio and with this new estate the company could widen their offer of white wines including the amazing white wines of Friuli. In December 2011, Tenimenti Angelini obtained the majority of the winery from Verona, Bertani, famous especially for the production of Amarone. Today Tenimenti Angelini owns a surface of 1600 hectares, 310 of which are vine-planted for a total production of 1,500,000 bottles per year.
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