Italian tomatoes buy online

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A versatile vegetable loved by all (and why it is considered a fruit!)
The tomato, a true king of the Italian table, is a versatile ingredient appreciated all over the world. From fresh salads to tasty sauces, from gourmet pizzas to spicy jams, the tomato lends itself to a thousand and one preparations, conquering palates of every taste.

But did you know that, from a botanical point of view, the tomato is not a vegetable, but a fruit? The tomato berry, in fact, derives from the ovary of the flower of the plant of the same name, just like apples, pears and peppers. A curious detail that certainly does not change its fundamental role in our kitchen!

The history of the tomato: from the Americas to tables around the world
Native to Central and South America, the tomato was introduced to Europe in the 16th century, after the discovery of the New World. Initially welcomed with distrust, its lively taste and its versatility in the kitchen soon made it a protagonist ingredient on tables across the continent.

Today, tomato cultivation has spread to every corner of the planet, with different varieties that adapt to different climates and soils. Each region boasts its typical tomatoes, with unique characteristics in terms of flavour, shape and colour.

Tomato varieties for every taste and need
Whether you are a lover of classic flavors or looking for new culinary experiences, the world of tomatoes offers a vast choice to satisfy every taste and need. Let's discover some of the most popular varieties:

Salad tomatoes: Colorful, juicy and rich in vitamins, salad tomatoes are perfect for your summer recipes. Among the most popular varieties we find the cherry tomato, the Pachino tomato and the datterino tomato.
Tomatoes for sauce: The beating heart of the Italian culinary tradition, tomatoes for sauce are ideal for preparing tasty and fragrant sauces that season irresistible first courses. Among the most used varieties we find the San Marzano tomato, the Roma tomato and the peeled tomato.
Cherry tomatoes: A concentrate of flavor in miniature format, cherry tomatoes are perfect for garnishing pizzas, salads and gourmet dishes. Their sweet taste and crunchy texture make them a versatile ingredient appreciated by all.
Green and ribbed tomatoes: For gourmet palates and lovers of creative cuisine, green and ribbed tomatoes offer a strong flavor and an intense aroma that goes perfectly with mature cheeses and red meats. Among the best-known varieties we find the Cuore di Bue tomato and the Zebra tomato.
Seasonality and choice: how to bring fresh and tasty tomatoes to the table all year round
Like every fruit of the earth, the tomato has its ideal season. The summer months, from June to August, are the period of maximum production and consumption, when tomatoes reach their peak flavor and freshness.

However, thanks to modern cultivation and conservation techniques, it is possible to enjoy fresh, quality tomatoes even during the rest of the year. By choosing seasonal tomatoes, coming from local and sustainable agriculture, you can bring a genuine and tasty product to the table.

Tomatoes for sale online: freshness and quality just a click away

Today, thanks to e-commerce, it is possible to buy fresh, quality tomatoes directly to your home, with a simple click. By choosing a reliable e-commerce site specialized in the sale of fruit and vegetables, you will be able to have access to a wide range of tomato varieties, coming from different regions of Italy and from around the world.

You will thus be able to enjoy the authentic flavor of tomatoes at any time of the year, without compromising on freshness and quality. Furthermore, many e-commerce sites offer the possibility of receiving tomatoes at home quickly, guaranteeing safe delivery and keeping their nutritional properties intact.

E-commerce tomatoes: freshness and quality just a click away

Why buy tomatoes online? Advantages and convenience

Buying tomatoes online offers numerous advantages compared to traditional purchases at the supermarket or market. Here are some of the main benefits:

Convenience and time saving: Ordering tomatoes online allows you to avoid queues, travel and transporting the shopping. With just a few clicks, you can receive tomatoes directly to your home, saving precious time to dedicate to other activities.

Guaranteed freshness: Tomatoes sold online often come directly from producers or controlled supply chains, guaranteeing superior freshness compared to products that may have spent days on supermarket shelves.

Variety and choice Foodexplore offers a wide range of tomato varieties, even those less common or difficult to find in traditional stores. You will thus be able to experiment with new flavors and discover new varieties to enrich your cuisine.

Controlled quality Many e-commerce companies specializing in the sale of fruit and vegetables carefully select tomatoes based on rigorous quality criteria, guaranteeing a genuine product free from defects.

Traceability and information: Online purchasing often allows access to detailed information on the origin of the tomatoes, cultivation techniques and conservation methods, encouraging a conscious and informed choice.

How we select tomatoes for our e-commerce: guaranteed freshness and controlled origin

When selecting tomatoes for our e-commerce, we pay the utmost attention to freshness, quality and origin. We collaborate with local and selected farmers who adopt sustainable and environmentally friendly agricultural practices.

The tomatoes are harvested at the right level of ripeness and carefully packaged to preserve their freshness during transport. Additionally, we use environmentally friendly packaging to reduce environmental impact.

Varieties for all tastes: discover the selection of tomatoes in our online shop

In our online shop, you can find a wide variety of tomatoes to satisfy every taste and need. From classic and traditional varieties to the most particular and refined tomatoes, we offer a complete selection to enrich your recipes in every season.

Salad tomatoes: Colorful, juicy and rich in vitamins, salad tomatoes are perfect for your summer recipes. Among the most popular varieties, you can find the cherry tomato, the Pachino tomato and the datterino tomato.

Tomatoes for sauce: The beating heart of the Italian culinary tradition, tomatoes for sauce are ideal for preparing tasty and fragrant sauces that season irresistible first courses. Among the most used varieties, we offer the San Marzano tomato, the Roma tomato and the peeled tomato.

Cherry tomatoes: A concentrate of flavor in miniature format, cherry tomatoes are perfect for garnishing pizzas, salads and gourmet dishes. Their sweet taste and crunchy texture make them a versatile ingredient appreciated by all.

Green and ribbed tomatoes: For gourmet palates and lovers of creative cuisine, green and ribbed tomatoes offer a strong flavor and an intense aroma that goes perfectly with mature cheeses and red meats. Among the best-known varieties, you can find the Cuore di Bue tomato and the Zebra tomato.

Storage Tips: How to Keep Your Tomatoes Fresh Longer

Even if tomatoes purchased online are carefully packaged to preserve their freshness, it is important to follow some tips to keep them at their best:

Store tomatoes at room temperature: Avoid storing tomatoes in the refrigerator, as the cold affects their flavor and texture. The ideal temperature for storage is between 18°C and 22°C.

Store the tomatoes in a cool, dry place: Avoid exposing the tomatoes to direct sunlight or heat sources. A cool, dry place, such as a window sill or kitchen counter, is ideal for storing them.

Do not wash tomatoes before using them.


Tomatoes in the kitchen: delicious and creative recipes
The tomato, with its versatility and unmistakable taste, lends itself to a thousand and one preparations, enriching every dish with flavor and color. From fresh salads to tasty sauces, from gourmet pizzas to spicy jams, the tomato is a protagonist ingredient of Mediterranean cuisine and beyond.

In this chapter, we offer you some delicious and creative recipes to make the most of the infinite possibilities offered by tomatoes. Let yourself be inspired and unleash your imagination in the kitchen!

Fresh and colorful salads: a triumph of taste with seasonal tomatoes
Summer is the ideal time to enjoy fresh and colorful salads, made with seasonal tomatoes. Choose your favorite tomatoes, cut them into slices, cubes or wedges, and season them with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, a pinch of salt and pepper. You can add other ingredients as you like, such as mozzarella, feta, olives, cucumbers, onions, basil, oregano and mint.

For an even richer salad, you can prepare a fresh pesto with basil, pine nuts, Parmigiano Reggiano, garlic and extra virgin olive oil. Season the tomatoes with pesto and garnish with some cherry tomatoes cut in half.

Delicious and fragrant sauces: the perfect base for irresistible first courses
Tomatoes are the basic ingredient for preparing delicious and fragrant sauces, which season irresistible first courses. Among the most classic recipes, we find pasta with tomato sauce, a simple but always tasty dish.

To prepare a perfect tomato sauce, fry a chopped onion in extra virgin olive oil, add the peeled or fresh tomatoes cut into pieces, basil, salt and pepper. Leave to simmer for about 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Once ready, season the pasta with the sauce and serve with a sprinkling of grated Parmigiano Reggiano.

If you love stronger flavours, you can add chilli pepper, anchovies or capers to the sauce. For a touch of freshness, you can also add a little ricotta or mozzarella.

Gourmet pizzas and stuffed focaccias: tomatoes as the protagonist ingredient
Tomatoes are an essential ingredient on pizza and focaccia. You can use fresh tomatoes cut into slices, peeled tomatoes or cherry tomatoes. For a tastier pizza, you can use buffalo mozzarella or burrata.

If you want to prepare a gourmet focaccia, you can fill it with cherry tomatoes, fiordilatte mozzarella, black olives, oregano and basil. Or, you can try a focaccia with dried tomatoes, capers and anchovies.

Tomatoes beyond savory: jams, chutneys and surprising combinations
Tomatoes aren't just used for savory recipes. With a little imagination, they can also be used to prepare jams, chutneys and surprising combinations.

A perfect tomato jam to accompany mature cheeses is one prepared with green tomatoes, sugar, vinegar and spices such as cinnamon, cloves and ginger.

For a spicy and flavorful chutney, you can use green tomatoes, chili peppers, onions, vinegar and spices such as coriander, cumin and turmeric.

Tomatoes can also be an excellent ingredient for preparing ice cream, sorbet and smoothie. Try pairing them with fresh fruit like strawberries, melon or watermelon for a fresh and refreshing dessert.

These are just a few ideas for using tomatoes in the kitchen. With a little creativity, you can discover endless possibilities for enjoying this versatile and delicious fruit.

Tomatoes for sale online: a world of flavors just a click away

Buying tomatoes online allows you to have access to a wide range of varieties, even the rarest and most difficult to find in traditional supermarkets. You will thus be able to experiment with new flavors and enrich your cuisine with superior quality ingredients.

Frequently asked questions about tomatoes
What is the difference between tomato and vegetable? (spoiler: it's a fruit!)

Although often considered a vegetable, the tomato is, botanically, a fruit. In fact, it derives from the ovary of the flower of the plant of the same name, just like apples, pears and peppers. The scientific classification places it among the berries, characterized by a juicy pulp and seeds wrapped in a peel.

How to understand if a tomato is ripe at the right point?

A properly ripe tomato has a uniform and bright color, without spots or bruises. The consistency should be firm to the touch, but not too hard. The scent should be intense and fragrant

Are there any tricks for preserving tomatoes longer?

Avoid storing tomatoes in the refrigerator, as the cold compromises their flavor and texture. The ideal temperature for storage is between 18°C and 22°C. Store them in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. Do not wash tomatoes before using them, as water encourages the growth of mold.

Are green tomatoes safe to eat?

Green tomatoes are generally safe to eat, although their flavor may be more unripe and astringent than ripe tomatoes. If you prefer a sweeter taste, it is advisable to wait for the tomatoes to ripen naturally.

What are the nutritional properties of tomatoes?

Tomatoes are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, including lycopene, vitamin C, potassium and fiber. Lycopene, in particular, is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. Tomatoes therefore contribute to maintaining good cardiovascular health, reducing the risk of some types of cancer and strengthening the immune system.

Tomatoes for sale online: excellence just a click away

Buying tomatoes online offers numerous advantages compared to traditional purchases at the supermarket or market. You can find a wide range of varieties, even the rarest and most difficult to find in physical stores. Furthermore, you are guaranteed to receive fresh, high-quality tomatoes, carefully selected and packaged to preserve their freshness during transport.

By choosing our e-commerce, you will benefit from:

A wide selection of tomatoes: From classic salad tomatoes to sauce tomatoes, from cherry tomatoes to the finest varieties, we offer a complete choice to satisfy every taste and need.
Guaranteed freshness: Our tomatoes come from local, selected farmers who adopt sustainable and environmentally friendly agricultural practices. They are harvested at the right level of ripeness and carefully packaged to preserve their freshness during transport.
Controlled quality: We carefully select the tomatoes based on rigorous quality criteria, guaranteeing a genuine product free from defects.
Convenience and time saving: Buying online allows you to avoid queues, travel and transporting your shopping. With just a few clicks, you will receive tomatoes directly to your home, saving precious time to dedicate to other activities.
