
cream from vegetable oils Vègètop Debic 1L

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Vègètop Debic 1L cream from vegetable oils has a creamy, velvety, milky-white appearance. Its taste is mild and sweet, with a slightly buttery note that makes it perfect for the preparation of cakes and desserts. Thanks to its smooth and homogeneous consistency, this cream is easy to work with and lends itself to easy whipping, ensuring perfect and stable results. In addition, its vegetable oil-based formula makes it an ideal choice for those looking for alternatives to traditional milk-based creams without sacrificing taste and quality.

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Sweetened dairy products; vegetable oils (23%) (palmisto, coconut, palm, rapeseed seeds); sugar (12%), totally hydrogenated palmist oil (7%); Emulsifiers: E472B, E435, E433; aromas; Stabilizers: E407; Choiring: Beta Carotene.
1 L

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cream from vegetable oils Vègètop Debic 1L

cream from vegetable oils Vègètop Debic 1L Buy online

Vègètop Debic 1l vegetable oil cream is a high quality product that has a long and prestigious history in the world of pastry. It consists of a mixture of vegetable oils, including Palmisto, coconut, palm and rapeseed seeds, which give the cream a creamy texture and a delicate flavor. The sweetened dairy, present in a percentage of 23%, gives the cream a balanced sweetness that makes it perfect for desserts and desserts. The product also contains sugar (12%) and totally hydrogenated Palmisto oil (7%), which contribute to improving the consistency of the cream and to guarantee its stability. E472b, E435 and E433 emulsifiers are used to maintain homogeneous mixture and to improve its assembly capacity. The aromas and the dye Carotote Beta Carothene give the cream a pleasant perfume and color. Vègètop Debic 1l vegetable oil cream can be used in many confectionery preparations, such as creams, Bavarian, mousse and ice cream. Thanks to its stability, the cream is also suitable for the decoration of cakes and desserts. Vègètop Debic 1l vegetable oil cream is a high quality product that meets the needs of the most demanding pastry chefs.
More Information
more informations Average nutritional values ​​per 100 g Power 1410 KJ Power 341 kcal Fat 31 g Of which saturated 24 g Carbohydrates 15 g Sugars 15 g Protein 2 g salt 0.06 g
Size 1 L
Allergens Contains: milk and derivatives
Location Prodotto in Italia.
ingredients Sweetened dairy products; vegetable oils (23%) (palmisto, coconut, palm, rapeseed seeds); sugar (12%), totally hydrogenated palmist oil (7%); Emulsifiers: E472B, E435, E433; aromas; Stabilizers: E407; Choiring: Beta Carotene.


Come pasticcere, ti suggerisco di utilizzare la panna da oli vegetali Vègètop Debic per creare dolci e dessert cremosi e leggeri. Ecco alcune idee: 1. Crema pasticcera vegana: sostituisci la panna tradizionale con la panna da oli vegetali Vègètop Debic per creare una crema pasticcera vegana. Aggiungi zucchero, amido di mais, vaniglia e latte vegetale e cuoci a fuoco medio fino a quando la crema si addensa. 2. Mousse al cioccolato: sciogli il cioccolato fondente a bagnomaria e lascialo raffreddare. Monta la panna da oli vegetali Vègètop Debic con lo zucchero a velo e aggiungi il cioccolato fuso. Mescola delicatamente e versa la mousse nei bicchieri. Lascia raffreddare in frigorifero per almeno un'ora. 3. Tiramisù vegano: sostituisci la panna tradizionale con la panna da oli vegetali Vègètop Debic per creare un tiramisù vegano. Prepara una crema di mascarpone vegana con tofu setoso, zucchero a velo e vaniglia. Monta la panna da oli vegetali Vègètop Debic e aggiungila alla crema di mascarpone. Inzuppa i savoiardi nel caffè e disponili in uno stampo. Versa la crema sopra i savoiardi e cospargi con il cacao amaro. Lascia raffreddare in frigorifero per almeno due ore. 4. Cheesecake vegana: sostituisci la panna tradizionale con la panna da oli vegetali Vègètop Debic per creare una cheesecake vegana. Trita i biscotti secchi e mescolali con il burro vegano fuso. Versa il composto in uno stampo a cerniera e compatta bene. Monta la panna da oli vegetali Vègètop Debic con lo zucchero a velo e aggiungi il formaggio vegano. Mescola delicatamente e versa la crema sopra la base di biscotti. Lascia raffreddare in frigorifero per almeno quattro ore.

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