
Sardinia: everything Pecorino!

Foodexperience: tasting of Sardinian cheeses and Cannoau wine

Customize Sardinia: everything Pecorino!
Pecorino Casu Sardu-650/700g
Pecorino Casu Sardu-650/700g
Pecorino stagionato Brundu-350/400 g
Pecorino stagionato Brundu-350/400 g
Pecorino Fiore Sardo DOP-400g
Pecorino Fiore Sardo DOP-400g €11.98
Granglona pecorino cheese 700g
Granglona pecorino cheese 700g €29.87
Tastai cream cheese spread 120 g
Tastai cream cheese spread 120 g €2.70
Scatola foodexperience
Scatola foodexperience €5.00
Cannonau di Sardegna DOC Costera Argiolas
Cannonau di Sardegna DOC Costera Argiolas €16.13

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Sardinia: everything Pecorino!
Sardinia: everything Pecorino!

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Sardegna: a tutto Pecorino!' is dedicated to a culinary experience celebrating Sardinian cheeses, especially Pecorino, accompanied by a bottle of Cannonau. It presents a curated selection of typical Sardinian cheeses, with a detailed description of each product, their taste characteristics and origins. It also provides information on the Sardinian cheese-making tradition and Pecorino production practices. The page also offers suggestions on how to pair cheeses with Cannonau wine for a complete and authentic Sardinian taste experience.

The proposed pairing consists of combining Sardinian cheeses, particularly Pecorino, with Cannonau wine. Pecorino cheese, with its variety of flavours and textures, marries beautifully with the complex and robust character of Cannonau, creating a balanced and satisfying taste experience. The creaminess and sweetness of the cheese contrast elegantly with the aromatic complexity and tannic structure of the Cannonau red wine, while the earthy and fruity flavours of the wine harmonise harmoniously with the salty and herbaceous notes of the Pecorino. This pairing allows the peculiarities of both products to be fully appreciated, offering a complete and satisfying sensory experience of the Sardinian gastronomic tradition


Casu sardu

Pecorino Brundu

Fiore sardo DOP


Cheese cream Tastai

Bottle of Cannonau

Foodexperience gift box
In the event of a lack of products, these will be replaced with items of equal value.
All images are included for illustrative purposes



Enjoy the cheeses at room temperature and pair them with Cannonau, a typical Sardinian wine.